Inmate Testimonials
"I know the Lord and feel His spirit over me as I write this. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that Bible; it has been a weapon to help me overcome death.Thank you, the Lord has plans for me and has saved me from the mouth of the lion.He's not done with me, and I've been telling everyone how He has changed my life."
- Rivas - Beto Unit
” When I was in County, you gave me a Bible and little did I know that Bible would lead to something great. I still have the Bible; the only difference is now it is covered with notes and underlined verses. I have fallen deeply in love with the Lord's words; I can't even explain it. Currently, I lead several classes on addiction for young Christians and other men. I really feel led to help young believers grow and mature spiritually. I give all the glory and honor to the Father."
- Manual - Beto Unit
”Thank you for the hard work, dedication, sincerity, and love. Also, thank you for the programs, the Christmas presents for our children, and for the baptism opportunity. God bless you all!"
- Anonymous
”I was given a Bible with your stamp from a fellow inmate. I gave this "new" Bible a chance. All I can say is that I can't put it down.In one month of reading the Scriptures, my life has changed dramatically.I have surrendered all to God,and the Holy Spirit has made a great impact on me. None of this would have been possible if I had not been presented with a Bible I could understand."
- Arturo - TDCJ-ID
"Thank you guys for the wonderful Word, fun, and yummy eats, y'all brought to the Christmas Party in the women's facility of Concho Valley. I was blessed..."
- Ashley - CRTC
I am being house in another County, and we do not have bibles here. My cellmate had a bible from your county that I truly understood when I read it. I requested a bible for my other cellmate & myself. We received them very quickly. Thank you for being a blessing & sending one to each of us!
- Anonymous
I'd like to take the time to thank yall for allowing me to be able to learn and understand the Lord, as well as get closer to Him. The Bible studies were wonderful and I would love to see more Bible studies! Again thank you all...
-Ebony - TGCJ
If it wasn't for the Jail Ministry, I would have never figured out the Lord was trying to save me from the sinful life I lived before I was incarcerated. I didn't believe in God but when I heard the gospel music the Ministry lady played one day and recognized it as a song I downloaded right before going to jail... it all made perfect sense! They helped me open my eyes & helped me turn my heart over to what was right in front of me the whole time. I was baptized and still to this day, 6 years later, I am drug free and pray every day to my Father!
- Precious - TGCJ
Inmate Art
Placemats for Kairos #55 Robertson Unit
made by TGCJ inmates

Placemats for Kairos #54 Robertson Unit
made by TGCJ inmates
Each major holiday brings a new opportunity for our Men/Women here at TGCJ to show their talents through their art...

Christmas Art Contest Entries 2024
Thanksgivings Art Contest Entries 2024
Easter 2024 Art Contest Entries

Christmas Art Contest Entries 2023
Thanksgivings Art Contest Entries 2023
Inmate Art for CRTC Bags 2023
Other Inmate Art

The Christmas Tree...

Inmate Testimonials
"I know the Lord and feel His spirit over me as I write this. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that Bible; it has been a weapon to help me overcome death. Thank you, the Lord has plans for me and has saved me from the mouth of the lion. He's not done with me, and I've been telling everyone how He has changed my life."
- Rivas - Beto Unit
”When I was in County, you gave me a Bible, and little did I know that Bible would lead to something great. I still have the Bible; the only difference is now it is covered with notes and underlined verses. I have fallen deeply in love with the Lord's words; I can't even explain it. Currently, I lead several classes on addiction for young Christians and other men. I really feel led to help young believers grow and mature spiritually. I give all the glory and honor to the Father."
- Manual - Beto Unit
”Thank you for the hard work, dedication, sincerity, and love. Also, thank you for the programs, the Christmas presents for our children, and for the baptism opportunity. God bless you all!"
- Anonymous
”I was given a Bible with your stamp from a fellow inmate. I gave this "new" Bible a chance. All I can say is that I can't put it down. In one month of reading the Scriptures, my life has changed dramatically. I have surrendered all to God, and the Holy Spirit has made a great impact on me. None of this would have been possible if I had not been presented with a Bible I could understand."
- Arturo - TDCJ-ID